How to Paint Tiles

July 1, 2022

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Tired of those bland, boring white tiles in your bathroom or kitchen? If you're looking for a quick and easy way to add some personality to your home, then painting your tiles is the perfect solution. 

Whether you choose to go for a bright and bold colour scheme or something more subdued, painting tiles is a relatively simple process that can make a big impact. 

In this how-to article, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about painting tiles, from preparation to cleanup. 

But before digging in, let’s clarify one thing:

Is painting tiles a good idea? 

painting tiles a good idea

It really depends on what you're hoping to achieve with your painting project. One important factor to consider is the type of tile you are working with. Some tiles, such as ceramic or porcelain, have a glazed surface that can make it difficult for paint to adhere. In these cases, it's often best to just leave the tile as is.

Another factor to consider is the intended use of the painted tiles. If the tiles are in an area that will see a lot of traffic or moisture, such as in a bathroom or kitchen, it's important to choose a paint that is specifically designed for high-traffic areas. These paints are usually more durable and easier to clean than regular paints.

Finally, you'll need to decide on a colour scheme. When painting tiles, it's important to use light colours. Dark colours can make tiles look dingy and can be difficult to clean. If you're not sure what colours to use, consult a professional painter or interior designer. They will be able to help you choose the perfect colours for your space.

Can you paint directly onto tiles?

paint directly onto tiles

Painting directly onto tiles can be done, but it is not recommended. The tile surface is very smooth, which makes it difficult for the paint to adhere properly. This can lead to the paint chipping or peeling off over time. It is better to use a primer before painting tiles. 

This will help the paint to stick to the surface better and last longer. Plus, using a primer will give you a chance to fix any imperfections in the tile surface before you start painting. 

Whether you're planning on painting a mural or just adding a pop of colour to your kitchen backsplash, priming the tiles first is always the best course of action.

What kind of paint do you use on tile?

There are a few different types of paint you can use on tile, but the most important thing is to make sure the paint is designed for use on ceramic or porcelain. 

These surfaces can be tricky to paint, so it's important to choose a product that will adhere well and stand up to wear and tear. One type of paint that works well on tile is epoxy paint. This kind of paint creates a strong, durable surface that is resistant to chipping and scratching. 

Another option is urethane-based paint, which also provides a good level of durability. Whichever type of paint you choose, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure the best results.

How long does tile paint last?

how long does tile paint last

On average, tile paint will last for about five years before it needs to be reapplied. However, there are a few factors that can affect the lifespan of tile paint, such as the type of paint used, the condition of the tiles, and the amount of traffic in the area. 

For example, if you use high-quality paint and apply it to tiles that are in good condition, it will likely last longer than five years. However, if you use a lower-quality paint or if the tiles are in poor condition, the paint may only last for a few years. In areas with high traffic, such as kitchens and bathrooms, the tile paint may need to be reapplied more frequently. 
Overall, the lifespan of tile paint depends on a variety of factors, but it typically lasts for five years before needing to be reapplied.

8 Steps to paint tiles without a professional's help

Updating the tile in your home can be a quick and easy way to give the space a fresh new look. And best of all, it's a project that you can do yourself. Just follow these simple steps, and you'll have new tiles in no time.

  • Step 1: Choose the right paint
    When it comes to painting tiles, it is important to use paint that is specifically designed for ceramic or porcelain surfaces. Regular latex or oil-based paints will not adhere properly to tile and will likely chip and peel over time.
    To avoid these problems, be sure to select a paint that is labelled as being compatible with ceramic or porcelain surfaces. Ceramic tile paint is specially formulated to resist chipping and peeling, ensuring that your painted tiles will look great for years to come.
    In addition, tile paint is available in a wide range of colours, so you can easily find the perfect match for your décor. With a little bit of planning, you can give your tile a whole new look with the help of the right paint.
  • Step 2: Clean the surface
    In order to avoid making a mess of your tiled surface, it is important to clean it thoroughly before painting. Soap and water will do the trick, and it is also a good idea to remove any dirt or debris that might be lurking on the surface.
    This will help the paint to better adhere to the tile and will also help to prevent any ugly smudges from impairing your beautiful new paint job. So be sure to take the time to thoroughly clean the surface before starting your painting project for the best results.
  • Step 3: Sand the surface
    Now that the tiles are clean, you will need to sand it down to create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to. When you sand the surface of the tile, you create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to.
    This gives the paint a much better chance of staying on the tiles and looking great. Sanding also removes any bumps or imperfections that could cause the paint to chip or flake off.
    Use fine-grit sandpaper and sand each tile in a small, circular motion. This may seem like a lot of work, but it's important to take the time to do it right. Once you've sanded all of the tiles, you should vacuum up the dust and then wash the surface with a damp cloth.
  • Step 4: Apply a primer
    Once the tile is sanded, apply a primer specifically designed for ceramic or porcelain surfaces. A primer helps the paint to better adhere to the tile surface and also provides a base coat of colour.
    Without a primer, the paint is more likely to chip and peel. In addition, using a primer will give your tile a richer, more vibrant colour. So don't skimp on the primer- it's worth the extra effort.
    Applying a primer is easy: simply follow the instructions on the product label. Once the primer is dry, you can begin painting your tile.
  • Step 5: Paint the tile
    Once the primer is dry, you can begin painting the tile. Use a small brush or roller to apply an even layer of paint over the entire surface of the tile.
    Be sure to work in small sections so that the paint does not dry before you have a chance to spread it evenly. Depending on the type of paint you are using, it may take several coats to achieve a uniform colour.
    Step 6: Allow the paint to dry
    After you have finished painting the tile, allow the paint to dry completely before moving on to the next step. This usually takes about 24 hours.
    Allowing the paint to dry thoroughly is important as it ensures that the paint will adhere properly to the surface of the tile. If you try to hurry the drying process by using a hairdryer or fan, you may end up with an uneven finish.
  • Step 7: Apply a sealer
    Applying a sealer to your painted ceramic or porcelain surfaces is an important step in protecting your investment. Sealers provide a barrier against scratches, stains and everyday wear and tear.
    There are many different types of sealers available, so be sure to choose one that is specifically designed for use on ceramic or porcelain surfaces.
    Applying a sealer is a simple process, but it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully in order to ensure the best results. With just a little time and effort, you can enjoy your newly painted surface for years to come.
  • Step 8: Allow the sealer to dry
    After you have applied the sealer, allow it to dry completely before using the tile. You may be tempted to use the tile sooner, but it is important to give the sealer time to set. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging the tile or shortening its lifespan.
    Once the sealer is dry, your tile will be protected from dirt, water and other damage. And, if you ever need to clean the tile, simply apply a new layer of sealer. By taking the time to properly seal your tile, you can enjoy it for years to come.

Is painting grout a good idea?

Yes, painting grout can be a good idea in some cases. For example, if your grout is stained or discoloured, painting it can help to cover up these imperfections and give your tile a fresh, new look. Additionally, painting grout can also be a good way to protect it from dirt, stains, and other damage. 

However, it's important to note that not all types of grout are suitable for painting, so be sure to do your research before starting this project. Additionally, always test the paint on a small area of grout before applying it to the entire surface.

How do you paint over tile grout? 

The process is relatively simple and can be completed in a few hours. First, you will need to clean the tile and grout with a degreaser or all-purpose cleaner. 

Next, use painter's tape to protect the areas around the tile. Then, apply a primer specifically designed for tile and allow it to dry. Once the primer is dry, you can begin painting the grout with a brush or roller. When choosing a paint colour, it is best to select something that is similar to the existing colour of the grout.

Otherwise, you may end up with an uneven finish. Finally, allow the paint to dry completely before using the area. With a little time and effort, you can easily transform the look of your home with painted tile grout.

How can I update my kitchen tiles without removing them?

Removing and replacing kitchen tiles can be a time-consuming and expensive project. If your tiles are in good condition but you want to update the look of your kitchen, there are several ways to do so without removing the existing tiles.

One option is to paint the tiles. You will need to use a special tile paint that is designed to adhere to glossy surfaces, and you may need to sand the surface of the tile first to help the paint stick. Be sure to follow the instructions on the paint can carefully.

Another option is to add new accent tiles around the perimeter of the room or in select areas, such as above the stove or sink. This can give your kitchen an updated look without having to replace all of the tiles.

Finally, you can simply grout over the existing tile. This will give the illusion of a new tile without actually replacing any of the existing tiles. You can find grout in a variety of colours to match or complement your existing tile. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package for the best results.


Does tile paint work in kitchens?

Tile paint can work in kitchens, but it is not recommended. Tile paint can chip and peel easily, especially in areas that are exposed to a lot of moisture and heat. Kitchen tiles are also subject to a lot of wear and tear, so tile paint may not last as long in this environment. If you do decide to paint your kitchen tiles, make sure to use high-quality paint that is specifically designed for use on ceramic or porcelain surfaces.

Can you paint the tiles in your shower?

Painting tile in a shower is possible, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the tile is properly sealed so that paint will not seep through. Second, use mildew-resistant paint to prevent mould and mildew from growing on the painted surface. Finally, be sure to wait until the paint is completely dry before using the shower.

Can I colour grout with acrylic paint?

Acrylic paint can be used to colour grout, but it is not the best option. It is difficult to control the amount of paint that gets on the grout, and it can be difficult to evenly distribute the paint. Additionally, acrylic paint can chip and flake off over time, which will eventually ruin the look of your grout. If you do decide to use acrylic paint, be sure to seal it afterwards with a clear sealer to protect it from wear and tear.

How can I freshen old grout?

Over time, grout can become stained and discoloured, making it difficult to keep your tile looking clean. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to freshen up your grout and make it look new again.

  • First, mix together equal parts of water and vinegar in a bowl.
  • Next, using a brush or cloth, apply the mixture to the grout lines.
  • Allow the mixture to sit for 5-10 minutes before scrubbing with a brush or sponge.
  • Finally, rinse the area with clean water and allow it to dry completely.

You should notice a significant difference in the appearance of your grout after following these simple steps. If your grout is still looking stained or discoloured, you may need to repeat the process or try a different cleaning solution.


Now that you know how to paint tiles, there's no need to be afraid of a little DIY project. Painting your tiles is a great way to add a personal touch to your home without spending a lot of money. With a little bit of planning and some careful execution, you can achieve amazing results. So go ahead and give it a try! You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

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