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Best Rated Tutors Near You

Need help with English, Maths, Science, History, or Geography? Maybe you need assistance with Music or a particular language. Whatever you're looking for, you're sure to find it right here on BorisDoes. Start a task or request a quote today!

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Find a great tutor right here on BorisDoes!

A professional tutor can help you to develop a plan that suits your learning style. Rather than a classroom environment where a teacher has to look after a group of 20+ students, a private tutor can focus on you as an individual student. You'll be able to learn more efficiently and effectively with one-on-one support during each tutoring session. BorisDoes has professional tutors helping students across a vast range of subjects including Mathematics, English and grammar, Science, History, and Music. COVID restrictions and social distancing requirements meant many tutors started offering online tutoring and that remains a great option for some. But we've invited tutors from around Australia to join BorisDoes so we're confident you'll find the right tutor for you in your area. Simply start a task or request a quote, include some details in your task about the subjects you need help with and where you are located, and you'll receive quotes and estimates from amazing tutors near you. From there it's a matter of choosing the tutor that has a tutoring style that suits you. Some strictly follow the curriculum, while others focus on helping you to develop the skills you need to study for exams and complete assessment tasks successfully. If you know exactly what you need, have a look through some of the popular tutoring subcategories for the right service. Otherwise, you can start a task or request a quote right here to find the perfect tutor for you or head to the BorisDoes Tasker List to look at tutor profiles and read some reviews from previous Customers. Parents: looking for a tutor for your child? Getting your child extra assistance at an early stage can really help them thrive at school. Once they begin high school, tutoring will help them to achieve strong results in particular subjects, or keep up with classmates in subjects they are struggling with. Affordable tutoring is just a few clicks away; request a quote or start a task today.

How to create a task on BorisDoes

Do you know what's really simple? Creating tasks on BorisDoes! Find some tips on how to create tasks quickly and easily in the video below!

How it works

Do you feel an urgent need to walk your dog? Or, maybe, as a Tasker or Business, you don't find other Australian marketplaces very convenient? Read how it works on BorisDoes!
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Create a task:

Creating a task on BorisDoes is quick, easy and free; you'll wonder why you never tried it before! Adding a task takes just seconds which gives you the ability to create tasks the moment they cross your mind. You can add a title, specify a date, time, and location, and set the date when the task is due. If you don’t know how much to pay for a service, you can also request a quote - a new BorisDoes feature - which allows Taskers and Businesses to offer prices and services in response to your task! And don’t forget: you can create as many tasks, and request as many quotes, as you like!

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What about exam preparation and exam revision?

Do you have a Year 11 or Year 12 student who needs to study for a particular English exam? Many tutors have experience managing assessments and assessment marking, which means they can guide your child through the assessment process. Many will provide additional exam practice sessions, allowing your child to prepare for exams with real-time support. Talk to your tutoring Tasker or Business about specialist exam revision tutoring services.

What about tutoring for adults?

When most people think of tutoring they think of a dedicated tutor for a primary school or high school student, or maybe someone helping a university student with a particular course. But adult tutoring is becoming more and more popular. As mature-age students and those wanting to re-skill for new industries (career-relevant learning) return to the classroom, adult education services are becoming sought-after. Adult skills tutoring or subject-specific tutoring can help you to complete training or coursework, or simply help you achieve a personal goal. The great news is that you're in the right place; simply start a task or request a quote to get started.

What should I look for in a good tutor?

You want a tutor with strong teaching abilities, classroom teaching experience (if possible), and a level of expertise that exceeds what you are expected to know as a student. You want a tutor who can challenge you and create a consistently positive tutoring experience that meets your learning goals. When looking for a tutor, feel free to enquire about their academic background; after all that is the experience and expertise you're paying for. Finally, your tutor should have strong communication skills so that they can effectively provide you with clear instructions and meaningful information.

What sort of tutoring can I get?

It's a long list, and really anything you can learn about at school, university or TAFE can be supported with additional tutoring and instruction. Whether you need help with Maths - or a particular aspect of mathematics, like algebra - or you're looking for guidance and advice when it comes to exam preparation, there's a tutor out there for you. Whatever your education level, and whatever subject you need help with, we're sure you'll find the perfect tutor near you, right here on BorisDoes.

What makes a good tutor?

Tutors come from a wide range of backgrounds and different tutors can help you with different things. Some are qualified teachers with experience helping students to achieve academic progress, others have relevant experience with private tutoring and have experience in the tutoring industry, and others are qualified tutors with experience in universities and can manage tutoring programs effectively. Whatever you;'re looking for, you'll find quality tutors right here on BorisDoes.

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